Step 4: Root Chakra Actions

Root Chakra Actions

Pick one or more of these Root Chakra activities to do today:

  • Wear the color red today.

  • Ask a good friend or trusted loved one to tell you what your good qualities are/what you’re good at. Balance in our root chakra comes from deep sense of knowing that it is safe to be ourselves. That all aspects of our being is lovable. Re-assure this mantra by reaching out to your most trusted friend and allow yourself to fall wholeheartedly into trust that it’s safe to be who you are.

  • Get grounded with the Earth. Depending on your circumstances, this could be simply digging your toes into some dirt in your backyard. It could be heading to the beach, getting sand between your toes, building a sandcastle, and even rolling in the sand. You could weed the garden or if possible, head to the park. Lay down and touch the grass with your bare hands. If all else grounding possibilities are unavailable to you, take a walk really slowly and pay attention to your feet and their sensations.

  • Stretch + strengthen your legs. It’s leg day! Get those thighs pumping with a workout or any kind. You can combine this with the Root Chakra Yoga Flow provided below.

  • Practice myofascial release on your lower back. (Learn more about this in our guided MFR video which you receive for free for 7 days only!)

  • Learn a survival skill. If you feel unsafe, one possible way to increase your sense of safety could be through learning a skill that makes you more capable and self sufficient. 


Share your root chakra activity on your Instagram story and tag @nomadswithapurpose and #EmpowerYourPassion! Bonus: We've pre-made a fun IG story template for you to use below!

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