What Makes You Happy?

Welcome To Lesson Two!

Today we are talking about What Makes Us Happy!

Are you happy today? What is something that makes you happy? Maybe it's your pet or a food, friend, music? What comes to mind first? Notice what you think of.

There are two kinds of happiness,

  1. Long term.
  2. Short term.

Short term is like going to an amusement park or eating ice cream, it makes us really really happy but then we get really really tried or the happiness goes away fast.

But then long term happy is more like when we get to spend time with friends and family or our pets. It fills us with happiness for a long time.

This difference is called dopamine and serotonin. But we aren’t going to go into too much of what that is

Start off this lesson with the meditation below!❤️❤️❤️

How did you feel different after picturing that memory?

Do you feel energetic, peaceful, loving, joyful, etc.

And does your body feel different after reliving that memory?

Maybe your body feels more awake or relaxed or even stronger.

Happiness can come for big moment and memories like you pictured in our meditation or it can come from small things like a favorite song, shirt, or something you saw.

So what are some small things that make you happy?

Happiness isn’t just an emotion we feel when something happens to us, it's something we can choose to feel every day.

Like with the meditation we did, we noticed that just by remembering the memory it made us happier, right?

So we can remember a time we were happy and hold on to that feeling of happiness all day to make ourselves happy.

In order to be happy we have to get movement or else our energy will feel not energized and then we won't feel happy!

So go ahead and do the yoga + movement session below.⬇️⬇️⬇️

Next, do your journaling pages

P.S Make sure you color in, cut out, and hang up your mantra!

Before you go!

Make sure you do some exercises to get your energy back UP! So when you finish doing the journaling and meditation and the yoga flow, do a couple jumping jacks, spins, or whatever gets your heart pumping!

Have a great day!

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