Join me for 9 more amazing weeks!

Thank you so much for joining me for this first 1 week trial of my kids mindfulness course!

​I really hope your kids enjoyed these first 2 lessons and already feel more relaxed, energetic, and motivated! 

Mindfulness, however, is an ongoing practice.

In order to really let the lessons of mindfulness sink in and become intuitive, we have to practice.

Mindfulness isn't something that when practiced once will be a one-time fixer upper and all your kid(s) stress and problems will go away. Just like raising them, mindfulness is a challenge we MUST show up to every day.

Not giving up on it WILL pay off in the long run!

I HIGHLY encourage you to sign your kids up for the whole journey!

If you thought the first week was fun and impactful for them, can you imagine how much empowerment your kids will feel after 18 more lessons.

I think that NOW, more than ever, THIS IS WHAT WE NEED TO BE TEACHING KIDS!

From the bottom of my heart, I believe that mindfulness is the key to giving your kids a happier life that will make them THRIVE.

Less power struggles, less temper tantrums, and more energy for both you and your child.

I would be thrilled to have your kids with me on this journey.

Click here to enroll in the remaining 18 lessons of the course.

I hope this was a fun week for them and I have so much gratitude for you joining me for these first two classes.

For those who will be continuing with me onward, have fun with lesson 3, Building Home Within!

- Isabelle

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