Overview of the Program

Welcome to my coaching series!

I hope you are excited because I have put together a workout plan that is simple and effective based on the programs I have designed for my clients for almost 30 years. Follow the steps I have laid out for you and you too will get amazing results!

Before starting on this program, take some time to create goals for yourself.

Not only should you have physical or weight loss goals, but performance goals as well. I want all the my clients to play sports and have hobbies outside of the gym.

My coaching series will start to improve performance in your hobbies and sports within two weeks of starting. In addition to enhancing your performance, your overall strength and muscle tone will quickly improve too.

One of the most important aspects of my training program is that you work hard and smart. If you are participating in sports two to three times a week, it's important that you workout, but not to muscular failure.

Go train hard and with intensity, but leave one or two reps in the tank.

You may do extra exercises, but it isn't necessary. Instead, get your workouts done in a time efficient manner and get out and play.

Or better yet, spend time cooking and preparing high quality food.

Try to select weights that you can safely do the reps required for the workout. This takes a little trial and error, but is a valuable part of the program.

I have designed the workouts to allow the body to get stronger and stay injury free. Resist the urge to go heavier.

Stick to a weight that you can get the prescribed repetitions at.

I've designed different types of workouts for this program depending on the repetition range. Higher repetitions work on muscular endurance. The repetition ranges between 8 and 15 are effective for developing muscular size, while repetition ranges between 1 and 8 are great for developing absolute strength.

Some workouts will all focus on one repetition range and then as the workouts evolve, they become more creative in rep ranges. Stick to the plan and enjoy the changes. This program will develop a body that will look great and move well.

One of the most important parts of your workout is to concentrate on technique. Injuries are a part of every sport, but can easily be avoided by focusing on each lift. Developing a good mind and muscle connection is critical for success in sports. This program develops movements which parallel athletics.

The difference between making progress, and not, is execution.

If you feel as though are not executing correctly, or you are not feeling it in the targeted muscle group, stop and rest. When in doubt, refer to the coaching series to make sure your technique is good. I encourage my clients to use their smart phone and record themselves doing the movement in order to evaluate technique. It might feel correct, but slow motion video can reveal faulty form.

Cardio isn't necessary for this product to be successful. If running happens to be your hobby or sport, that's great, continue to run. Or if you like to run short distances to clear your head, go for it. However, running for the sake of losing body fat should be avoided as the body will just interpret that as an additional stress.

Select activities in which you lose yourself in, or you lose track of time. The joy of play is a key ingredient in not only developing the body you want, but also taking care of you body for decades to come.

Think about gyms in January, they are packed with individuals with every intention of transforming their body. By February, gyms have already seen the drop in attendance. Why? The gym feels to much like work or a chore for many. They haven't been taught what they need to change their bodies. They have also not learned to find recreational activities that can be a catalyst to keep them working out.

The goal of your weight training is not only to develop strength and muscle tone, but to develop an enjoyment of working out. My program provides just enough challenge to make improvements, but not an excess that could cause burn out.

In my early years of training clients I prided myself on creating the most challenging workout for clients, that's was the easy part. However, after three decades of experience, I've learned the art of a great training program is creating just enough load to elicit change without overtaxing the muscular, and more importantly, the nervous system. You need the right balance to get the results you want and develop habits that last a lifetime.

The best way to approach this course:

On the first week you will be watching all the videos, one per day for six days. Even if you don't have injuries, I still recommend doing all the Healthy Joint Videos as a means of improving range of motion. Joints that move are less prone to injury. The Healthy Joint Videos include:

  • Healthy neck and shoulders
  • Healthy hips and knees
  • Healthy low back

When you do the Strength Training Workouts (Core Series, Push and Pull Series, and Posterior Chain Series) there are 3 options to choose from

  • Beginner Prgram- designed for those who have never lifted weights or have a very small history of weight training
  • Intermediate Program- designed for those who know their way around a gym and exercise often
  • Advanced- designed for those who workout often, but are looking for an edge in their training

Once you have rehabbed your injuries and understand the proper lifting techniques in the Core, Posterior Chain, and Push + Pull Workouts, you are ready for the complete 8 Week Workout.

The 8 Week Workout Program integrates everything you learned in the those 6 videos and presents it in a dynamic program with specific rep ranges, load volume, and periodization to get maximum results.

Coaching & Accountability
I've been a coach for 3 decades and pride myself on my ability to give people the perfect balance of challenge and recovery. If you need help implementing or sticking with this program, or feel like you need a program more custom to your goals and body, I'm available for coaching. Send me an email [email protected] to get started.

Vic's Coaching Series Workouts.pdf
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